Membership CircleMembership CircleMembership Circle
Rainbow Gradient

Struggling to get lots of support & money for your fundraiser?

Free For Non-Profits, Start Today!For charities and non-profits registered as 501(c)(3) · No credit card required
Zero computer skills needed
Works for every type of non-profit organization
Market, fundraise and build community support

How much could you really make?

Assuming the Circle is $50 and 30% goes to your charity.

Number of memberships sold by your supporters: 100

Donated to your charity: $1,500

Origos allows you to fundraise
without any effort

It only takes three things.
Number 1 : Don’t change what you’re doing. Continue working on fulfilling your group’s purpose as you have been.
Number 2 : Origos is a fundraising platform. Our software creates membership programs, or what we call “Circles”. People love to join them because they offer a collection of high value perks contributed by local businesses in your area.
Number 3 : Validate your group’s non-profit status using your EIN number and you will be added to the Origos platform. Then just share the Circle in your area with your members and supporters via a personalized link we’ll provide you. When they purchase a Circle membership with this link your group automatically receives a percentage of the proceeds immediately deposited right into your bank account.
That’s it.
People laughing at people for not using Origos

Why an Origos Circle?

There’s an old saying... a worthwhile cause or group without people paying to support it is like building a bridge that no one crosses.
That’s where a “Circle” comes in.
A Circle revolutionizes your fundraising by seamlessly connecting your non-profit with the generous support of local businesses who provide perks and offers from their businesses.
The Origos platform enables organizations like yours to sell “Circles” to your supporters - provide a unique, effortless way to raise funds and foster community spirit.
Circle Preview
Local Businesses Contribute Perks

Local Businesses Contribute Perks

AI Engine Makes It Easy

AI Engine Makes It Easy

High Value to Supporters

High Value to Supporters

User Friendly Interface

User Friendly Interface

Super Simple for Everyone to Use

Super Simple for Everyone to Use

Insights & Donations Help Guide You

Insights & Donations Help Guide You

Participate in an existing fundraising Circle today, it's totally free!

Try Origos today and witness the awesomeness for yourself

Free For Non-Profits, Start Today!For charities & non-profits registered as a 501(c)(3) · No credit card required
Origos Logo

Your fundraising web app

Everyone knows using a software platform to handle fundraising and all the steps involved used to be a grind. What would normally take forever to administer can now be done in just a few minutes with no technical experience at all!
About ImageFree For Non-Profits, Start Today!

The Circle Is The Secret To
Your Fundraising Success

It’s the difference between the 1,929,999,999 groups that don’t raise money, and the .0000000002% that do!

without a circle

  • Approaching same people to give
  • Not knowing if enough money can be raised
  • Little value given back to supporters
  • Constant struggle to fund projects

with a circle

  • Lots of new supporters contributing
  • Effortless fundraising = Significant revenue
  • Contributors get high value local business perks
  • Fundraising becomes easy! Goals become reality

Ready to feel confident about your fundraising?

Free For Non-Profits, Start Today!For charities and non-profits registered as 501(c)(3) · No credit card required

A win for your cause

  • Effortless fundraising
  • Raise significant money fast
  • Engage your supporters by giving them perks
  • Get local business community involved
  • Year after year revenue

A win for local businesses

  • Gain exposure
  • Supporters patronize businesses that give back
  • Builds a loyal customer base
  • Recognition for community support
  • Giving without the direct costs of traditional donations

So, what’s the catch? There is none. Period.

Origos charges a flat 12% fee directly to the customer when they purchase the Circle.

Origos charges no fees to your organization for selling Circles created by others.

When you sell a Circle created by someone else you will receive the percentage allocated to charities that was determined by the Circle creator. Origos only makes money if you make money selling Circles. It’s a Win-Win for everybody.
What better way to witness the transformative power of Origos than to experience it yourself?
Your future starts now, and it starts with a click of a button.
Free For Non-Profits, Start Today!